IFFA - Frankfurt - Germany - 2019

04may(may 4)9:0009(may 9)17:30IFFA - Frankfurt - Germany - 2019The leading international trade fair for the meat industry

Event Details

MBB visits IFFA Frankruft Germany to get more involved into meat industry and related companuies. We look forward to follow up trends and meet existing and find new partners.

That’s what the host says about his event:

„IFFA – The No. 1 for the meat industry – opens its doors again from 4 to 9 May 2019. As the sector’s foremost innovation platform, IFFA will once again bring together all players from the industry, retail trade and butcher’s trade in Frankfurt am Main. Thanks to its clear focus, the world’s leading trade fair for the sector is unrivalled: everything revolves around the most valuable of all foodstuffs – meat.“



4. May 2019 9:00 - 9. May 2019 17:30 CET(GMT+00:00)


Frankfurt Messe

Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

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